About timesheets

Timesheets - View, Add and Edit My Timesheet (to access the Timesheets area, and view, add, and edit your own timesheet entries); Timesheets - View, Add and Edit All Timesheets (to view, add and edit timesheet entries for all staff members)

In Practice Manager you add timesheet entries for all activities, regardless of whether these are billable (chargeable to a client) or non-billable, for example tea breaks. Timesheet entries for billable activities are added against jobs rather than clients. Timesheet entries for non-billable and paid non-billable activities are added against activities. Timesheet entries affect your monthly and yearly efficiency reports. When you take longer than expected on a job, the relevant person in your firm can be notified so they can reassess your workload.

You can use timers to add timesheet entries. The timers effectively allow you to clock in and clock out and this determines the length of time that is added against a particular client or activity. See Use timesheet timers.